Sit back and relax as we show the world through the eyes of a alternate reality developer, ponder the challenges of co-living and make Theresa May dodge Jeremy Corbyn through a field of wheat.
Yes. You heard us…
Nonsensical [non-sen-si-kuhl]
A weekly summation of all the cool stuff we see on the internet (and real-life)… ready and waiting for your procrastination pleasure on a Friday afternoon…
“The idea of ‘collective’, ‘co-living’, ‘common’. These words have real meaning. They imply ownership, responsibility, cooperation, freedom. They come weighed down with historical connotations – from forced land enclosures to the counterculture movement.”
Ownership, responsibility, cooperation, freedom… something that resonated hugely with the team here at Sense Worldwide HQ. We constantly push ourselves and our Network to own, be accountable for, cooperate and have their own creative license across all our projects and client briefs. Perhaps the co-living challenge is our next one?
Move over AI and VR… Alternate Realities is a billion dollar business (and it’s terrifying).
Because Toucan play at that game…
Because this planet is bumming us out at the moment and the new ones found by the Kepler mission sound AWESOME.
It’s the computer game you never knew you needed… until now.