Sabrina is a Curious Lifestyle Pilot, Health & Fitness Wiz and an Advanced Practice Nurse based in Fresno, California. 


Introduce yourself as you would to a stranger at a party.

Hi I’m Sabrina. I can talk about health and fitness all day. I love being outside. I just started my second life recently.

Tell us something you believe that others might find controversial?

Grit is what determines success

What do you eat for breakfast? 

3 egg whites scrambled w/ 1 whole egg over medium, 2 ounces of purple sweet potato, ⅛ of avocado, ½ cup sauteed spinach and 2 Brazil nuts.

Reflecting on your past; what are the key moments or breakthroughs that define your life journey so far.

Being a single mother working 2 jobs and being a full time student learned to manage quite a bit, learning how to move forward despite life’s challenges, knowing love is what matters more than anything, never sacrifice your health as it is my vitality, discovering a new perspective on life to avoid suffering- it’s not what happens to you but how you perceive it.

You are more than your job title… tell us about your side hustles, wildest dreams or vision for the future.

Piloted lifestyle coaching, community health talks, networking, functional medicine certificate & soon to be practice. Drive thrus (delivery service)  serving only whole foods, whole foods “ice cream” man.

All journeys in life have their ups and downs. Tell us about a time that you felt uncertain about the future. How did you overcome and deal with this situation?

Nothing was going my way- no support system, low on money, lost job, relationship ended, couldn’t pay my bills and got 3 day notice to move -all occurred in the same week. I allowed life to take me for the ride and I rode the waves looking for meaning/learnings along the way.

Give us a peek into your everyday life; what inspires and motivates you to do what you do? What keeps you going?

Knowing that there is so much I CAN do. The world is like a playground for me to explore. Waking up everyday knowing that there is something new to create or discover in the world is thrilling. I love taking something and creating something even better and see it come to its fruition all from a vision. I love being active because of how it makes me feel- alive. Novelty allows my curious nature to run free and thus create something useful for all of us to get ahead and become better people. I love trial and error because it leads to something great.. I enjoy making a positive change in some way, changing things for the better. As a visionary, I am constantly visualizing things from a conversation of interest. Others in my fields of interest who have achieved greatness inspire and motivate me because I know it’s possible.

My natural bodybuilding goals allow me to shape and create the body I want through muscle and its constant testing of the mind and health benefits I cannot seem to do without at this point. The abundance of novel ideas that can come from my curiosity of “I wonder what how much I can…” allows me to first visualize the possibilities, then come up with some creative ideas on how to accomplish what it is I want to try out to see if it is indeed possible.

The things I do must feed my vision, curiosity for novelty, creativity and discovering the unknown and how far I can go with an idea. 

What challenges do you need to regularly overcome? 

The feeling of “not wanting to” do it sometimes because either I am feeling tired etc. Feelings are feelings but I must not allow them to make the best decisions for me. 

Do you have any rituals?

Yes! A morning, day and evening one. Every morning as soon as I wake up I open up the blinds to allow the sunshine in, I do my breathing exercises while I stretch, do my rehab exercises (recent car accident), pack my food for the day, pack my gym clothes, after gym clothes, make breakfast, take my supplements, occasional meditation, essential oil. 

Daytime: I get outside asap (I usually don’t skip my morning routine unless I have an appointment) to do fasting morning cardio 30-45 min (3x wk). Then I go sit on the outside patio seating at a cafe or coffee shop and eat my breakfast with a coffee or green tea. I then pull out my laptop or phone to work on pending projects/work/create a schedule for the next day etc. I try to schedule time to connect with others during this time and have coffee/breakfast outside with a friend on occasion if it works out. I need to be outside most of the daytime, in the sun if possible. Run errands on occasion. 

Evening: Go to gym and train according to my training schedule then post workout cardio 30 min (3x wk). Drink post workout shake on the way home. I either meal prep if needed or I make dinner then shower and set an alarm for the next day to get up 8 hours later. Then sleep!

If you could ask The Sense Network to help you to change one thing in the world for the better, what would you change and why?

People’s Awareness level to increase, please!


Your Social Links

Instagram: RNMasterFitness

Twitter: RNMasterFitness


Inspiration from you to us

Watch this: Steve Jobs, The Social Network, “Raw” Eddie Murphy standup (if you want to laugh)

Read this: “The Body Keeps the Score”, “The Five Levels of Attachment”, “A Return to Love”, Anything by Wayne Dyer, “The Power of Now”, “Lost Connections”

Listen to this: Podcast – “Feminist Wellness” (if you are a woman), Ted Talk-”How to stop screwing yourself over” Mel Robbins, Grit: the power of passion and perseverance – Angela Lee Duckworth

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