You’re one of a very select group of Sensers who we’ve entrusted with hosting a local Sense Supper Club. Read on to find out more about what the night, and hosting, involves.
What is a Sense Supper Club?
Senser Supper Clubs are thrown by and for our fellow Sensers all over the world. They offer a chance for Sensers to come together in their local cities to share and discuss their extraordinary creative journeys, careers, side hustles, ideas, live projects and collaborations.
The evenings are always relaxed, informal and inspiring; offering a chance to foster human connections with like-minded people unlike yourself. From networking with some of the best creatively intelligent minds in your city to getting feedback on your current project; amazing things happen when worlds collide.
How will The Sense Network team be supporting me?
We’ll be here every step of the way and you’ll have an exclusive point of contact here to make sure you’re supported. We want to make this experience as manageable and enjoyable as possible for you while still letting freedom to organise the night the way you want to.
We will provide assets, organise inviting local guests, promote the event on our channels and answer any questions you may have during the process.
We will also help share your profile around the Network so you get as much personal promotion out of the experience as possible.
What do I need to prepare in advance?
It can be a hired space, a favour from a friend or your own home. Whatever you’d be most comfortable with!
It’s no Supper Club without people to share it with. We can work with you to find interesting Sensers in your city to join you, or you can invite people outside the Network if you think they will add an interesting point of view to the evening.
The one thing that is compulsory is that before the evening, all guests have registered on The Sense Network platform.
There is no limit on the amount of people that can join you but we recommend between 6-20 guests per event to ensure conversation flows and all guests are able to connect with each other.
A line up of interesting speakers/stories
To break up the evening we ask two or three of the guests to stand up and share their unique and inspiring creative journeys and/or live projects. We recommend you approach a select few guests in advance and ask them to take part during the evening.
Food (of course!)
You can choose to hire a caterer or to cook yourself for your guests at home, whatever you’re most comfortable with. Be sure to check dietary requirements beforehand though!
We tend to plan for at least half a bottle of wine per person. We’ve also run ‘Bring Your Own Bottle’ BYOB evenings where guests are invited to bring a bottle each to keep the costs down. Make sure there are also soft drink options available as well.
We recommend asking for guests to contribute to the costs of the evening, so we require guests to make a donation to secure their place at the table. The donation amount is up to you, but we recommend it covers your expenses (e.g. a home cooked meal will be a lot cheaper than a caterer, so the donation can reflect your selected home cooked ingredients and drinks selection).
How do I promote the event/ find guests?
We’ll be here to help you throughout the process. We’ll announce the event on our newsletter and will post on social media before and after the evening. Of course, feel free to do so as well as long as you use the guidelines that we will provide – especially during the event.
Please do encourage people to post on social media on the night. Tag @TheSenseNetwork and #SenseSupperClubs in all posts.
What is expected from me as a host?
You will be the face of The Sense Network in your city so we expect you to uphold our values. Be curious, open minded, energetic and welcoming. Guests are putting their lives in your hands for the night so treat them as you’d like to be treated yourself.
Hosts are in charge of the overall organisation of the dinner. From the venue to the food and the guestlist, our hosts run the show in their cities. Being a host is a great way to connect with the diverse network of Sensers in your area plus, throwing the events is great fun (we’d know, we’ve thrown a lot now and have the format perfected to be as easy and enjoyable as possible).
As a host you’ll be expected to guide the conversations on the night and foster as many collaborations as possible between the guests, as well as reporting back on the evening to us!
Of course HQ will be on hand to help out, but we want to give you all the free-reign you need to put your personal stamp on the night.
Is there anything expected of me after the event?
As the host of a Sense Supper Club you’re of course responsible for organising the event, but we also want you to feedback on the night itself. There’s nothing your fellow Sensers love more than hearing about the diverse ideas, collaborations and stories happening around the world, so we ask that you provide as much content and coverage from the night as possible.
Each host is asked to provide:
What kind of pictures/footage would you like from the evening?
We want as much as you can take! Here’s a list of a few things we ask people to document (as high quality imagery as possible please – a good camera phone should be sufficient if you don’t have a pro one):
I’m worried that people won’t know each other!
Don’t worry! We have planned an activity to break the ice (we’ve tested it and can prove it works!). You’ll get this activity in the pack we send, all you need to do is print them out and make sure everyone has a Sharpie to take part!
We can also help introduce you to the guests you don’t know before the event so you feel comfortable on the night.
What will I find in the ‘pack’?
Good question! All Sense Supper Clubs have a few things in common and we’ve made it as easy as possible for you to make sure they make an appearance at your event! So, in the pack we send across to you, you will get: